B Corp Assembly: A Convergence of Purpose, Sustainability, and Connection

Reflections from O'Terra and Smallchua on the B Corp Assembly 2024: A united front of 300+ B Corps driving sustainability and purpose.

Assembly 2024, attendees on stage

"As Kira Day shared in the commencement, it was the intent that we would leave with more questions than answers. They nailed that, I am confident I know less today than I did a week ago."

Sarah O'Terra

The B Corp Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand Assembly 2024 was a gathering that united over 300 certified B Corp businesses, emphasising the critical balance of social, environmental, and economic impacts. Sarah O'Terra and Becky Smallchua share their reflections from the event: vibrant connections formed, diverse perspectives shared, and the collective journey towards a more sustainable and purpose-driven future.

Sarah O'Terra's Reflection

With my coffee in hand, I’ve been reflecting on my last few days at B Lab Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand Assembly 2024 - over 300 certified B Corp businesses from ANZ coming together to connect and explore what it means for business to balance social, environmental and economical impact.

It was my first time at Assembly, and as a B Local for Melbourne, was keen to connect, learn and reflect. Here’s a small slice of takeaways I shared with my team after arriving back in the office.

👂 Connection to others

Vibes were high and it felt easy to meet and connect. On day two Ann-Marie Pistikakis and Kate Sherburn from Who Gives A Crap session Creating Belonging shared a core tenant to the WGAC culture is ‘assume good intent from others’. This opens up space for collaboration, empathy and connection. I love this. Whilst I didn’t touch the sides of hanging out with all 300 people, each new person I met radiated good intent. They were welcoming, warm and interested. Meeting in person with clients we’d worked with over the last few years, new faces becoming friends and deepening connections with pals I get to enjoy often! Lisa Booth, Claire Bowles MSc , FRSA, Natalie Dean-Weymark, Luke Dean-Weymark, Keryn Nossal, Sarah Sheridan, Ryan Ong, Malcolm Lazenby, Sasha Titchkosky, Lee Bright and many more.

🗣️ Point of view

It can easily become an echo chamber of patting ourselves on the back in our networks, business groups and movements. Throughout the keynotes, workshops and coffee breaks there were differing points of view, questioning and debate amongst us on approaches to collective action, systems thinking and advocacy without diluting the impact for real change. Michele Wilson, CEO of AWWA Period care on the approach to 100 year business plans showing consideration and foresight how current decision-making will impact life for generations to come. I’m keen to learn more, dig deeper and learn from first nations leaders on sustainable business that balances people, planet and profits.

🌏 Questions not answers

As Kira Day shared in the commencement it was the intent that we would leave with more questions than answers. Yep. They nailed that, I am confident I know less today than I did a week ago. A spite of the existential thoughts looping between my ears, I’m sure I’m in the right place, surrounded by the kind of people I can learn from and grow with to finding meaning in my work and contribution to people and planet.

Looking forward to seeing all the B’s throughout March for B Corp Month.

If you’re based in Victoria and into business and impact. Check out the new page 👇 where we’ll be sharing a calendar of activities and events to connect with local B Corps throughout the year.

Thanks to B Lab for such an epic opportunity to connect

Your hard work and planning to make the whole week seamless was definitely felt, thank you! B Lab Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, Kira, Lauren Diggle, Angie, Katie Whittaker, Lucinda W.

Victoria B Local

Local catch up for Victorian B Corps with the Melbourne B Local group.

Come join us here > https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14406672/

Through engaging dialogues, introspective questions, and shared experiences, the Assembly not only fostered a sense of community but also ignited a deeper motivation and reflection on the path towards impactful change.

Rebecca Smallchua's reflections

Time out to question everything, be inspired, be challenged, reminded about the urgency of the climate crisis, acknowledge progress but also total brokenness in our system and connecting with other humans striving for progress.

Did I leave with more questions than answers? More motivated and more cynical? Uncomfortable in the contradictions? Yea. But the greatest takeaways lingering with me came from the Indigenous members in the community, who helped to simplify but bring focus to what really matters..

👶 Generational planning

Michele Wilson (AWWA Period care) shared the Māori practice of crafting 100-year business plans, emphasising the value of thinking beyond short-term strategies.

🌳 Nature's Wisdom

Bunurong Elder, Lionel from (Living Culture) shared a beautiful yarn about bush tucker, deep listening and importance of bring still in nature and guided us through a grounding Yidaki meditation.

❤️ Come with Purpose

Laura Thompson (Clothing The Gaps) reminded us of the meaning of ‘Wominjeka’ - starting with purpose, underlining the significance of intention in our actions.

🤝 Relationships at the core

Eileen Bowden (Miraka Limited) closed with highlighting the importance of relationships in Māori culture prompting reflection on the meaningful connections I made these two days with old partners - Chris Fraser, Oliver Pelling, Alicia Kennedy, Fotini Kypraios FGIA FCG (CS CGP), Keryn Nossal, clients we've spent days on Zoom building whole websites/ brand strategies but never met in person (loved the HUGS!) - Cheyne McKee, Kirsty Dare, Luke Dean-Weymark, Natalie Dean-Weymark and new friends doing cool things Ryan Ong, Alana Owen, Alexander Dirksen, Andrea Spencer-Cooke, Malcolm Lazenby, Gayle Hardie.

So really, perhaps it’s just about simplifying complex matters and bringing it back to your purpose. For Harvey. we're building for the next generation, driven by our legacy and purpose to leave the world a better place and trying to do it with kindness at the core while embracing imperfection. 🌏

Big ❤️ to B Lab Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand team

Always a special place in my heart as you partnered with us at the very start of Harvey and I just love seeing how you’ve nurtured and grown the team and movement to what it is today Mindy Leow, Lauren Diggle, Andrew Davies, Kira Day

No items found.
No items found.
22 Bricks
Abundant Water
Anantaya Jewellery
Bank Australia
Client Fabric
Clockwork Films
Common Ground
Compass Studio
Dog & Bone
Farm My School
Green Collar
Hagens Organics
Hey Doodle
Jasper Coffee
MK Local Foods
Marnie Hawson
Merry People
No Lights No Lycra
North West Guadalcanal Association (NWGA)
One Small Step
Parliament of Victoria
Peninsula Hot Springs
Prisma Legal
Strongim Bisnis
Studio Schools Australia
The Sociable Weaver
Whole Kids
No items found.
22 Bricks
Abundant Water
Anantaya Jewellery
Bank Australia
Client Fabric
Clockwork Films
Common Ground
Compass Studio
Dog & Bone
Farm My School
Green Collar
Hagens Organics
Hey Doodle
Jasper Coffee
MK Local Foods
Marnie Hawson
Merry People
No Lights No Lycra
North West Guadalcanal Association (NWGA)
One Small Step
Parliament of Victoria
Peninsula Hot Springs
Prisma Legal
Strongim Bisnis
Studio Schools Australia
The Sociable Weaver
Whole Kids

No items found.
No items found.
22 Bricks
Abundant Water
Anantaya Jewellery
Bank Australia
Client Fabric
Clockwork Films
Common Ground
Compass Studio
Dog & Bone
Farm My School
Green Collar
Hagens Organics
Hey Doodle
Jasper Coffee
MK Local Foods
Marnie Hawson
Merry People
No Lights No Lycra
North West Guadalcanal Association (NWGA)
One Small Step
Parliament of Victoria
Peninsula Hot Springs
Prisma Legal
Strongim Bisnis
Studio Schools Australia
The Sociable Weaver
Whole Kids



Clients | Help conscious business grow

No destructive clients. Revenue breakdown: 15% Good, 60% Great, 25% Amazing (Here’s what the classifications mean)

  • No destructive clients.
  • Revenue breakdown: 10% Good, 66% Great, 25% Amazing

Client survey metrics

  • 3 /5 value for money
  • 8 / 10 likely to recommend
  • 3.4 / 5 value for money
  • 8.8 / 10 likely to recommend

Maintain current revenue

  • Revenue down 16% YoY

Team | Be the best versions of us

  • All staff spend 70%+ of their time on clients
  • Spent 71% of our time on clients (over by only 76 hours).
  • Regular, honest check-ins about how we feel
  • Stand ups, development sessions, watercooler chats, impact updates and more.
  • Targeted and clear personal growth, if we are better our clients will be
  • Lots of on-the-tools growth, structured learning through weekly Lunch ‘n Learns and Intro to Programming at RMIT.
  • Improve and increase capability across team
  • Elevated our tool nerd level. See here.
  • Expanding output skills: Market research, Web design, strategy & development, video editing, and automation strategy.
  • 9 day fortnights, with option for 4 day weeks
  • 40% work 9 day fortnights, 40% part-time hours, 20% standard working hours.

Community | Lift the communities we’re part of

  • Protest and boycott important issues (Australia Day, Melbourne Cup)
  • Buy with intention from local and discriminated groups
  • We continue to be intentional about our suppliers as outlined in our policy and report the details in the Community chapter of our report. We took it one step further this year with a public call to pledge to audit suppliers in this campaign www.supplier-impact.com
  • Invest $20k in impact businesses plus $20k of 100% pro bono time
  • We delivered some pro bono time but dropped the ball and had no official measurements in place. We also did not invest $20k in impact businesses because of the reduced revenue with Becky on maternity leave.
  • Sarah personally donated her photography equipment valued at around $7,500 to empower a content and brand producer in the Solomon Islands.
  • Have a RAP, engaged stakeholders and implemented more change
  • Due to competing priorities and limited time (no lack in desire) we de-prioritised our Reconciliation Action Plan as we want to do it meaningfully and have the capacity to follow through. However, we took a few first steps outlined here.

Environment | Crank up the action on climate and environment

  • Be climate positive at work and at home
  • We don’t track our CO2 emissions, rather we take a much more general and high emissions view. However, this year, we didn’t donate to the environment (see above) so we can’t say we countered our CO2.
  • Donate 5% to the environment
  • We fell short here, we didn't make the donation. More details here.
  • Re-use, recycle and manage dangerous waste
  • We continue to implement our hazardous waste policy and are on a continuous learning and improvement journey.
  • We repair damaged hardware and minimise purchasing of new equipment.
  • Personally we're all Facebook Marketplace fans.
  • Advocate for climate change / inspire sustainable living

Governance | Operate fairly and squarely as an impact business

  • Maintain current ownership and governance
  • Harvey is 100% owned by the Smallchua Family Trust and Rebecca Smallchua is our sole Director.
  • Share templates, documents, insight into business for good
  • We haven’t actively done this publicly, but when people have asked, we have shared. And we’re sharing a series of things as part of this impact report.
  • Re-use, recycle and manage dangerous waste
  • We continue to implement our hazardous waste policy and are on a continuous learning and improvement journey.
  • We repair damaged hardware and minimise purchasing of new equipment.
  • Personally we're all Facebook Marketplace fans.
  • Maintain B Corp score from 134.1 with workers included
  • We applied for our B Corp re-certification at the end of this financial year and are pleased to report we achieved the same score (to the decimal point). Wild!
Beautiful, easy to manage websites built low-code
Collaborating with clients, partners and each other
Collaborative design, presentation, templates.
Highest quality data layer management for consistent tracking across all platforms.
The intuitive research tool to gather meaningful data from people
Content, design, dev and collaboration tool
Video editing, transcription
Digital commenting & feedback workflow tool
Email, docs, calendars.
Flexible data and workflow platform for content management, analytics, data management.
The benchmark in eCom customer data & marketing automation
Lean frontend toolkit to rapidly build beautiful interactive experiences.
The benchmark in eCom. Create curated, beautiful and responsive experiences - built rapidly and adapt easily.
Cross-platform user behaviour analytics
The benchmark in eCom review management, and it's built in Australia
Scalable CRM great for businesses of all sizes to manage sales, marketing, service and more.
Rapid data analysis on large scale, complex datasets