Business Can Lead on Addressing the Climate Crisis

We hosted a panel at Pause Fest 2020 this year titled 'Business Can Lead on Addressing the Climate Crisis' with Patagonia, ATEC* and One Small Step. What a panel 🔥 Thanks for capturing some of the gold shared Smart Company.

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Simon at Pause Fest

Business have a powerful role to play in addressing the climate crisis

Sometimes it's difficult to accept our reality while staying motivated and optimistic with the way our climate and planet are going. But change often happens slower in the short term and much faster than we expect in the medium term. We're hopeful. We believe business have a powerful role to play in addressing the climate crisis and it's inspiring seeing so many step up.

We hosted a panel at Pause Fest 2020 this year titled 'Business Can Lead on Addressing the Climate Crisis' with Patagonia, ATEC* and One Small Step. What a panel 🔥 Thanks for capturing some of the gold shared Smart Company.  

No conflict between sustainability and profitability, say Aussie entrepreneurs

- as seen on Smart Company by Stephanie Palmer- Dereien

Making good environmental and social decisions doesn’t have to be at the expense of business success or profitability, according to a panel of sustainability-minded Aussie entrepreneurs.

Speaking at Pause Fest in Melbourne yesterday, Patagonia’s environmental and social initiatives manager Shannon Bourke said the global company’s founders still viewed the whole thing as something of an experiment. And, clearly, it’s working.

“They saw it as an opportunity to try and demonstrate to the business community that making environmentally and socially responsible decisions could make good business sense as well. And they’ve been able to demonstrate that so far,” she said.

“We haven’t really seen that trade-off.”

Ben Jefferys, chief of social enterprise startup ATEC* Biodigesters, noted that because of its strong environmental and social goals, the business has historically had a tendency to put sustainability before sustainable business.

ATEC* produces and distributes biodigester systems, processing farm waste to create gas for cooking as well as fertiliser. Primarily, the startup works with small-scale farmers in developing countries.

Jefferys and the team have almost had to work profitability into the business model, increasing their prices over time, he said.

“We’re working with lots of farmers who are very income-poor,” he explained.

“We were predominantly looking at the impact rather than the profitability of the business,” he said.

“It then created a problem: we were constantly cash-poor.

“Then we realised the farmers were generating so much value out of the systems they can actually pay more.”

Ultimately, Jefferys realised by putting just a little bit more of a focus on making money, he would be able to both serve his customers better, and meet the company’s ethical goals in the long run.

“That balances out us being more sustainable, to suit them better … it means we’re able to cover our costs much more effectively, as well as provide better service to customers and provide flexibility.”

Lily Dempster, founder and chief of The Neighbourhood Effect, noted that some of the most successful businesses of the past decade have been sustainable, almost by accident.

She pointed to giants such as Uber and Airbnb, which are “collaborative consumption” companies, making better use of existing resources that are going unused.

“They’ve unlocked a huge amount of value from those poly-utilised resources,” she said.

“There’s huge profitability in better resource efficiency, and a big part of environmental sustainability is about using resources more efficiently.

“I don’t think there’s any conflict between profitability and sustainability.”

However, when it comes to larger incumbent businesses, particularly listed companies, things get more complicated, she said.

“Certainly when you look at companies and how they’re legally structured … you have a fiduciary duty to maximise value.

“And in an economy where a lot of the environmental degradation that occurs is externalised — it’s not a cost that the company wears — you’re going to have decisions that are pushing to counter good environmental practice because it does maximise profit.”

In terms of legal and economic structuring of companies, there is work to be done to truly ingrain an environmentally friendly ethos, she noted.

“But if your purpose is to increase resource efficiency, or your focus is on creating some positive environmental benefit, it absolutely is possible to be very profitable.”

Still, even if environmental benefit isn’t your main purpose, there are a few things small businesses and startups can do to reduce their impact as much as possible.

Simon Smallchua, the moderator of the panel and co-founder of impact-focused marketing strategy business Harvey, is currently going through the process of becoming certified as a B-Corp – or a company that provides benefit to the community in some way.

It’s a process that has taught him a lot about both what’s required in the running of a business, and the small differences that can add up to big impact, he said.

For example, “by going through the B-Corp process you have to evaluate your suppliers”, he explained.

The buying power a business has can be surprisingly powerful.

“There are certain products you have to buy.

“But you also buy from certain cafes, how sustainable are they? What bank do you bank with?

“Suppliers are a very easy thing to change, and they’re often not even considered.”


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22 Bricks
Abundant Water
Anantaya Jewellery
Bank Australia
Client Fabric
Clockwork Films
Common Ground
Compass Studio
Dog & Bone
Farm My School
Green Collar
Hagens Organics
Hey Doodle
Jasper Coffee
MK Local Foods
Marnie Hawson
Merry People
No Lights No Lycra
North West Guadalcanal Association (NWGA)
One Small Step
Parliament of Victoria
Peninsula Hot Springs
Prisma Legal
Strongim Bisnis
Studio Schools Australia
The Sociable Weaver
Whole Kids
No items found.
22 Bricks
Abundant Water
Anantaya Jewellery
Bank Australia
Client Fabric
Clockwork Films
Common Ground
Compass Studio
Dog & Bone
Farm My School
Green Collar
Hagens Organics
Hey Doodle
Jasper Coffee
MK Local Foods
Marnie Hawson
Merry People
No Lights No Lycra
North West Guadalcanal Association (NWGA)
One Small Step
Parliament of Victoria
Peninsula Hot Springs
Prisma Legal
Strongim Bisnis
Studio Schools Australia
The Sociable Weaver
Whole Kids

No items found.
No items found.
22 Bricks
Abundant Water
Anantaya Jewellery
Bank Australia
Client Fabric
Clockwork Films
Common Ground
Compass Studio
Dog & Bone
Farm My School
Green Collar
Hagens Organics
Hey Doodle
Jasper Coffee
MK Local Foods
Marnie Hawson
Merry People
No Lights No Lycra
North West Guadalcanal Association (NWGA)
One Small Step
Parliament of Victoria
Peninsula Hot Springs
Prisma Legal
Strongim Bisnis
Studio Schools Australia
The Sociable Weaver
Whole Kids



Clients | Help conscious business grow

No destructive clients. Revenue breakdown: 15% Good, 60% Great, 25% Amazing (Here’s what the classifications mean)

  • No destructive clients.
  • Revenue breakdown: 10% Good, 66% Great, 25% Amazing

Client survey metrics

  • 3 /5 value for money
  • 8 / 10 likely to recommend
  • 3.4 / 5 value for money
  • 8.8 / 10 likely to recommend

Maintain current revenue

  • Revenue down 16% YoY

Team | Be the best versions of us

  • All staff spend 70%+ of their time on clients
  • Spent 71% of our time on clients (over by only 76 hours).
  • Regular, honest check-ins about how we feel
  • Stand ups, development sessions, watercooler chats, impact updates and more.
  • Targeted and clear personal growth, if we are better our clients will be
  • Lots of on-the-tools growth, structured learning through weekly Lunch ‘n Learns and Intro to Programming at RMIT.
  • Improve and increase capability across team
  • Elevated our tool nerd level. See here.
  • Expanding output skills: Market research, Web design, strategy & development, video editing, and automation strategy.
  • 9 day fortnights, with option for 4 day weeks
  • 40% work 9 day fortnights, 40% part-time hours, 20% standard working hours.

Community | Lift the communities we’re part of

  • Protest and boycott important issues (Australia Day, Melbourne Cup)
  • Buy with intention from local and discriminated groups
  • We continue to be intentional about our suppliers as outlined in our policy and report the details in the Community chapter of our report. We took it one step further this year with a public call to pledge to audit suppliers in this campaign
  • Invest $20k in impact businesses plus $20k of 100% pro bono time
  • We delivered some pro bono time but dropped the ball and had no official measurements in place. We also did not invest $20k in impact businesses because of the reduced revenue with Becky on maternity leave.
  • Sarah personally donated her photography equipment valued at around $7,500 to empower a content and brand producer in the Solomon Islands.
  • Have a RAP, engaged stakeholders and implemented more change
  • Due to competing priorities and limited time (no lack in desire) we de-prioritised our Reconciliation Action Plan as we want to do it meaningfully and have the capacity to follow through. However, we took a few first steps outlined here.

Environment | Crank up the action on climate and environment

  • Be climate positive at work and at home
  • We don’t track our CO2 emissions, rather we take a much more general and high emissions view. However, this year, we didn’t donate to the environment (see above) so we can’t say we countered our CO2.
  • Donate 5% to the environment
  • We fell short here, we didn't make the donation. More details here.
  • Re-use, recycle and manage dangerous waste
  • We continue to implement our hazardous waste policy and are on a continuous learning and improvement journey.
  • We repair damaged hardware and minimise purchasing of new equipment.
  • Personally we're all Facebook Marketplace fans.
  • Advocate for climate change / inspire sustainable living

Governance | Operate fairly and squarely as an impact business

  • Maintain current ownership and governance
  • Harvey is 100% owned by the Smallchua Family Trust and Rebecca Smallchua is our sole Director.
  • Share templates, documents, insight into business for good
  • We haven’t actively done this publicly, but when people have asked, we have shared. And we’re sharing a series of things as part of this impact report.
  • Re-use, recycle and manage dangerous waste
  • We continue to implement our hazardous waste policy and are on a continuous learning and improvement journey.
  • We repair damaged hardware and minimise purchasing of new equipment.
  • Personally we're all Facebook Marketplace fans.
  • Maintain B Corp score from 134.1 with workers included
  • We applied for our B Corp re-certification at the end of this financial year and are pleased to report we achieved the same score (to the decimal point). Wild!
Beautiful, easy to manage websites built low-code
Collaborating with clients, partners and each other
Collaborative design, presentation, templates.
Highest quality data layer management for consistent tracking across all platforms.
The intuitive research tool to gather meaningful data from people
Content, design, dev and collaboration tool
Video editing, transcription
Digital commenting & feedback workflow tool
Email, docs, calendars.
Flexible data and workflow platform for content management, analytics, data management.
The benchmark in eCom customer data & marketing automation
Lean frontend toolkit to rapidly build beautiful interactive experiences.
The benchmark in eCom. Create curated, beautiful and responsive experiences - built rapidly and adapt easily.
Cross-platform user behaviour analytics
The benchmark in eCom review management, and it's built in Australia
Scalable CRM great for businesses of all sizes to manage sales, marketing, service and more.
Rapid data analysis on large scale, complex datasets